Flipped Lecture 2: 2057 City of the Future

“The Real Revolution in 50 years could be INVISIBLE

Prof. Michio Kaku (Physicist .City University of New York)

However, this documentary open doors to all the wonderful opportunities that might occur in 50 years.

To think 50 years ago, technologies such as the internet and computers were just surfacing. Now, the internet is in every household. Shopping is done online. Lectures are held online. The world basically revolves around the internet.

Internet growth is faster than bean sprout. Literally overnight.

2057 City of the future is a great documentary discussing aspects of ‘The Body’, ‘The City’ and ‘The World’. How each would be different. How we would overcome current challenges but face new unexpected ones. How the way we engage with each other would dramatically change.

The evolution of technology have given way to the ideas of flying cars, holographic pets, virtual viruses, humanoid robots, etc.

It is also expected to change the balance of life, having a larger number of people over the age of 80.

Now, what will that mean?


At the end of the day.

These are all mere speculations.

We may never be certain of what is to come, but only to hope that the best is yet to come.


Doubting Castle 1: Flipped Lecture ‘Web1.0’ vs ‘Web 2.0’

‘Web 1.0’ and ‘Web 2.0’

Tim Berners’ Lee’s Vision:
“The dream behind the Web is of a common information space in which we communicate by sharing information. “ (Berners-Lee, 1998)

Web 1.0 is a read-only version of the hypertext system. It is commonly known use in terms of a catalogue or brochure. It uses basic html (hypertext mark-up language) for publishing content on the Internet and are all static web pages with read-Only content. The web master is solely responsible for updating users and managing the content of the website and it does not support mass publishing.

Tim O’Reilly (2005):
“Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform.

Web 2.0 encourages creativity, communication and networking among the Internet users. It is the read write networking platform where the Internet users will be able to interact and communicate among each other. Web 2.0 uses XML over HTML, which makes it user friendly and machine compatible. 
Wikipedia’s defined Web 2.0 as “ the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform”.
Basically, my understanding of Web 2.0 is a hypertext system that is no longer single-operated but a new engaging system that includes all forms of sharing hence the evolution of social networks and Youtube.



I never really cared much until I actually read up a little more about it. Things seem so much more interesting when you know what it really is. Tend to appreciate more too.