


My wonderful sound recordist that helped me with the recordings. We spent one whole entire day recording the 16 different people I chose.





The feedback we got was highly positive, but something they said had challenged what I had in mind. They commented on the lack of diversity in terms of accents as it was majority Malaysian.


My initial idea when coming up with this poem was for it to also be a refelction of myself, as much as it does carry a meaning for everyone on a global scale. Coming to Australia, it brought ot a lot of my own personal struggles and insecurities, this poem was written as a dedication and a reminder to myself that despite everything, I should be grateful to even be here.

I do appreciate the artistic opinions of others and after discussion with my group mates, we decided that we would still go with the original idea. After all, this poem is very dear to my heart and hopeful everyone would appreciate and also respect my direction for it.


Our draft was quite messy, we had played around with some sound effects and we realised that ‘less is more’. We spent a few days cleaning up the draft and everything seems to be going quite smoothly. 


This post is also a gratitude post. I really want to thank all those who participated in the poem, your sincerity, your genuine answers, all made this poem possible. I know the poem isn’t perfect yet, and it may never be. However, I will do my best to make sure this poem does everyone, (including my groupmates and myself) justice. 

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