The recording process

The recording process

After brainstorming the structure of the poem. We decided that it would be good to incorporate a component where everyone would state their insecurities.

The recording process for this was fairly interesting.

I wanted the poem to reflect parts of my life, so I gathered 16 people from my hometown of all different ages and genders, and allocated them different stanzas of the poems to read.

My initial plan was to do vox pops with random people regarding their insecurities but eventually we decided that it would be good to get the people reading the poems to state their insecurities. This then creates a situation where there can first declare their insecurities, but later in the poem, they then acknowledge how they won’t let the insecurities get in their way of life. I think this is very powerful.

The recording was a little bit tricky because a majority of the people I wanted to record are in Malaysia. My friend however owns a radio station there and we were able to record them properly with the right equipment.

The only complaints I got was how hot it was because the air conditioning had to be turned off to make sure there wasn’t any noise disturbance.

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